Publications (論文)

1. Prihutami, P., Chaerun, R. I., Ohya, Y., Otake, T., Kikuchi, R., and Sato, T. (2024) Immobilization forms of cadmium and mercury in a potassium-activated metakaolin-based geopolymer. Minerals, 14, 311. https://doi.org/10.3390/min14030311
2. Sufriadin, Yepta, M., Nur, I., Purwanto, Amalia, R., Irfan, U. R., Basir, D. N., and Otake, T. (2024) Atmospheric hydrochloric and nitric acid leaching of a limonite ore from the Wolf mine area, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals, 34, 1875. https://doi.org/10.55713/jmmm.v34i1.1875
3. Suzumeji, R., Otake, T., Yamauchi, D., Ohtomo, Y., Kakegawa, T., Heubeck, C., Yamasaki, S., and Sato, T. (2024) Primary Fe isotope signatures record oxidative precipitation in 3.2 Ga ferruginous siliciclastic sedimentary rocks deposited in a shallow ocean environment. Precambrian Research, 413, 107574. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2024.107574

International Conferences (国際学会発表)

〇M. Skiba, S. Smoleń, K. Maj-Szeliga, M. Szczerba, R. Kikuchi (oral): Swelling clays and the nuclear 137-Cs threat, 61st Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society and 5th Asian Clay Conference, Hawaii, USA, June 6,  2024
〇R. Kikuchi, T. Daimon, T. Otake, T. Sato (oral): Ni-bearing smectite-serpentine from the Tagaung Taung Ni-laterite deposit (Myanmar): Mineralogy and nanotexture by FIB-TEM, 61st Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society and 5th Asian Clay Conference, Hawaii, USA, June 4,  2024
〇T. Ishiwata, R. Kikuchi, T. Otake, T. Sato (oral): Quantitative analysis of petrographic textures of bentonite ores by image processing, 61st Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society and 5th Asian Clay Conference, Hawaii, USA, June 4,  2024
〇A. A. Makwinja, F. Chikanda, R. Kikuchi, W. Mufalo, and T. Otake (poster): Geochemical characteristics of coal mine drainage and waste rocks from Livingstonia coalfield in Malawi, International Geological Congress 2024, Busan, Korea, August 26, 2024
〇K. Furukawa, N. Okada, R. Kikuchi, Y. Ohtomo, T. Otake, and Y. Kawamura (poster): Identification of high-grade Ni laterite ores using hyperspectral imagining and deep learning, International Geological Congress 2024, Busan, Korea, August 27, 2024
〇J. Godirilwe, T. Otake, F. Chikanda, R. Kikuchi, Y. Ohtomo, S. Tomiyama, and T. Sato (oral): Abiotic catalytic reaction dominance in manganese removal from an acid mine water, International Geological Congress 2024, Busan, Korea, August 28, 2024
〇J. Godirilwe, T. Otake, and R. Kikuchi (oral): Seasonal dynamics of nickel attenuation in acid mine seepage: Implications for remediation strategies at BCL copper-nickel mine tailings, Botswana, International Symposium on Earth Resource Management and Environment 2024, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, September 2, 2024
〇T. Otake (oral): Significance and challenges of the sustainable mining of Ni mineral resources, International Symposium on Chemical and Biological Hazards on One Health: Toward Sustainable Mineral Development and Pollution Monitoring, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana, October 8th, 2024
J. Godirilwe, T. Otake, and R. Kikuchi (oral): Geochemical variation and natural attenuation of acid mine drainage seepage from copper-nickel mine tailings, Botswana, International Symposium on Chemical and Biological Hazards on One Health: Toward Sustainable Mineral Development and Pollution Monitoring, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana, October 8th, 2024
〇A. A. Makwinja, F. Chikanda, R. Kikuchi, W. Mufalo, and T. Otake (oral): Geochemical characteristics of coal mine drainage and its effects on river water quality in Livingstonia coalfield, Malawi: An Environmental impact assessment, International Symposium on Chemical and Biological Hazards on One Health: Toward Sustainable Mineral Development and Pollution Monitoring, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana, October 9th, 2024
〇M. Kojima, Y. Kon, J. Godirilwe, R. Kikuchi, and T. Otake (poster): Trace element compositions of magnetite in orthomagmatic deposits and their implications as an exploration indicator, International Symposium on Chemical and Biological Hazards on One Health: Toward Sustainable Mineral Development and Pollution Monitoring, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana, October 9th, 2024
〇K. Toyata, R. Sugiura, Y. Ohtomo, and T. Otake (poster): Formation process of carbonate minerals in iron formations deposited in a shallow ocean 3.2 billion years ago, International Symposium on Chemical and Biological Hazards on One Health: Toward Sustainable Mineral Development and Pollution Monitoring, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana, October 9th, 2024

Domestic Conferences (国内学会発表)

〇石渡 翔丸, 菊池 亮佑, 大竹 翼, 佐藤 努, 川喜田 竜平, 高山 裕介, 三ツ井 誠一郎 (ポスター): 画像解析に基づくセメンテーションによるベントナイトの膨潤圧低下の要因の定量的検証, JpGU 2024, 幕張メッセ, 2024年5月26日 
〇戸谷田 光希, 雀地 遼平, 大友 陽子, 菊池 亮佑, 大竹 翼 (ポスター): 南アフリカ・バーバトン緑色片岩帯Moodies縞状鉄鉱層における炭酸塩鉱物の形成プロセス, JpGU 2024, 幕張メッセ, 2024年5月27日 
〇大友 陽子, 松川 春樹, 長島 康裕, 昆 慶明, 大竹 翼, 掛川 武, 佐藤 努 (ポスター): Evidence of oxidative shallow ocean recorded in 3.2 Ga banded iron formation by chromium concentrations, Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa, JpGU 2024, 幕張メッセ, 2024年5月27日 
〇大竹 翼, 大門 嵩泰, 菊池 亮佑, 佐藤 努 (ポスター): ニッケルラテライト鉱床における低結晶質ニッケルホスト鉱物の同定, JpGU 2024, 幕張メッセ, 2024年5月27日 
〇J. Godirilwe, T. Otake, S. Tomiyama, F. Chikanda, R. Kikuchi, Y. Ohtomo and T. Sato (oral): The catalytic role of MnO2 in manganese removal from acid mine wastewater, 第73回資源地質学会年会講演会, 東京大学小柴ホール, 2024年6月27日
〇小島満天, 昆 慶明, J. Godirilwe, 菊池亮佑, 大竹 翼 (ポスター): マグマ性鉱床における産状の異なる磁鉄鉱とその微量元素組成, 第73回資源地質学会年会講演会, 東京大学小柴ホール, 2024年6月27日
〇D. Mutungwa, F. Chikanda, R. Kikuchi and T. Otake (poster): The subsurface geology and hydrothermal alteration mineralogy of Korosi geothermal prospect. Case study Korosi well 03 (KW-03), in Korosi area, Kenya, 第73回資源地質学会年会講演会, 東京大学小柴ホール, 2024年6月27日
〇古川皓一,岡田夏男,菊池亮佑,大友陽子,大竹 翼,川村洋平 (ポスター): ハイパースペクトルイメージングと深層学習による Ni ラテライト鉱石の判別, 第73回資源地質学会年会講演会, 東京大学小柴ホール, 2024年6月28日
〇石渡翔丸, 菊池亮佑, 大竹翼, 佐藤努 (ポスター): 画像解析によるベントナイトの岩石組織の定量化とその検証, 第67回粘土科学討論会, 九州工業大学, 2024年9月5日
〇菊池亮佑, 石渡翔丸, 竹内望, 伊藤雅和 (ポスター): 河川水と接触したベントナイト鉱床の物理・化学特性変化 -試料採取および予察的研究-, 第67回粘土科学討論会, 九州工業大学,  2024年9月5日
〇大竹 翼 (招待講演): 鉱山水処理施設におけるマンガン酸化物の沈殿メカニズム, グリーンレメディエーション研究会シンポジウム「休廃止鉱山のグリーン・レメディエーションと関連分野の最前線」, オンライン, 2024年9月26日

Awards (受賞)